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Mailing list


The Alchem mailing list is a convenient way to exchange informations and to discuss various items. Anyone can read everything is posted and participate in the discussions. Everyone is encouraged to post question or answer.

We recommend you to describe the best you can your problem when you ask a question. Without enough informations, it is really difficult to help.

If you note that your problem was not so easy to resolve, it's a good idea to post a resume to the end of the thread.


To subscribe our mailing list, please send an email to sympa at strasbourg dot linuxfr dot org with sub alchem in the message body. You will be added automatically, after the verification of the validity of the email address (this consist to send back an email to the robot managing the list). For further details about the functionnement of this robot (access to the archives, how to post with more than one address,...), send an email containing only the word HELP to sympa at strasbourg dot linuxfr dot org.

A web interface is also available for subscription.

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